How does the BOOST program work- in a nutshell

Ideally, you offer the BOOST ( 21 or 14 Days) to prospects when they begin their free or reduced rate trial for your location.

The intention is for prospects to get to know you and get a "taste-test" of what you offer for nutrition.

It is not a program itself, it is a lead-generation tool.

BOOST Training Resources


BOOST Playbook

BOOST Sales Deck

BH BOOST Calculator Tutorial

BOOST App Tutorial

BH BOOST Lead Generation Campaign

BOOST 21 Day App Outline

BOOST 14 Day App Outline

Quick How To:

  • Client is entered into the BOOST program app- 21 or 14 day
  • If they provide initial measurements, put them in the BOOST program in the calculator- no units or exercise recommendations are given, but a body composition report can be generated.
  • They follow the BOOST app which includes gender-specific meal / snack ideas for the length of their trail,
  • They're asked to submit final measurements for a second body composition report to finish them up.
  • The last few messages of the app has some info on your primary programs, KICK START and/or LIFE.

Reach out for assistance with strategy if needed!